Our 2017-2019 Strategic Goals
The Strategic Goals are intended to be visionary in nature, for guiding the Core Indicators Project in the next cycle(s) of operational planning. All goals were set based on the needs of our users and the ideal performance of the Core Indicators Project, with the idea that we can track our performance over time toward meeting these aspirational goals.
Public Health Gaps & Alignment
The Core Indicators Project supports Ontario's standards for public health programs and services by identifying indicators and gaps across all topic areas.
Review Frequency
All Core Indicator products are reviewed at a minimum of annually or once every data refresh cycle.
Process Timelines
All Core Indicator Project activities meet the target timelines: new indicators and major revisions are completed within 1 year of initiation; minor revisions are complete within 3 months of issue identification.
Communication Plan
APHEO members and stakeholders are up-to-date and knowledgeable about Core Indicator activities.
The Core Indicators Project has adequate resources to support/continue projects.
The Core Indicators project has an engaged and motivated volunteer workforce with diverse expertise.
Partner Engagement
The Core Indicators Work Group will collaborate with key partners to advance public health indicator development (in Ontario).
The Core Indicators are used by Public Health Units to assess their programs as per the Ontario Public Health Standards.
Data Advocacy
Issues related to data advocacy are identified and recommendations are provided to APHEO Executive.
Updated: June 5, 2017